Monster Bash FRVR
Chris Benjaminsen
(3,343 votes)
June 2020
Browser (desktop, mobile, tablet)
Monster Bash is a simple arcade baseball game that's all about hitting a baseball to get a good distance. Your goal is to go as far as you can, but you're going to have to put in a bit of work before you get to that sweet high score. Each time you hit the ball, it'll hit a few different things that'll help you long the way, this includes gold-filled mushrooms which will give you gold, some monsters that'll push the ball further, and some other monsters that open up whole new stages. As you gain more distance and collect more gold, you'll be able to upgrade your equipment to get even better scores! Some stuff are only cosmetic (the hat and the shades), but getting a good score is better when you're all dressed up, right?
Chris Benjaminsen developed Monster Bash FRVR.Platform
Web browser (desktop and mobile)Controls
Tap/click anywhere on the screen to throw the ball, and tap/click again to hit.